Thursday, October 30, 2008

FINALLY finished!

Well it took me over a month, but I finally finished reading Atlas Shrugged!

So what did I think of this book?

This is what Steve's shrug looks like every time I mentioned the book (which he calls Shruggy). :)

I am glad I read this book, but in retrospect should not have started it right after The Fountainhead. I am pretty Ayn Rand'd out. Maybe it was the 60 page speech near the end. That's right, 60 pages!! This book illustrates the same ideas as in The Fountainhead, but seemed more unrealistic and preachy to me. However, Ayn Rand's ideas are provocative and really made me think- even when I really disagree with her philosphy it has been interesting to think about my point of view on the issues she brings up. I found the parallels between this book and current events to be fascinating. I won't bore everyone with a long explanation but the bailout sounds like it could be a chapter straight from Atlas Shrugged. As I was reading it I was wishing I knew someone who could discuss some of the ideas with me... Lisa its your turn! For now I'm happy to be finished and move on to some lighter reading.


Joy & Casey said...

Dr Seuss and Junie B Jones are my pace right now--sounds like I'd need a brain again to read that one! :)

Lisa B Nell said...

I will not disappoint you! It may take me a little while but it is first on my list.... And is sitting next to my bed... :)