Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Thinking of my 21-year-old self

September 10 is confusing day for me. It used to be a day to celebrate, because Paul and I were married on on that day in 1996. On this day I can't help but think about that and have so many mixed emotions. I have such happy memories of that day, and it feels like a special day. On the other hand, I feel a little melancholy that things turned out so differently than I would have imagined and that this is now an anniversary of a marriage that no longer exists. This morning I was thinking about it and thought of a cheesy movie that I really like, The Kid. In that movie, the main character gets meet his 8-year-old self and talk to him. If I had the chance to talk to myself at 21, about to get married, I don't think I would tell her much, I would just give her a big hug and congratulate her. The only advice I would give her is to never take anyone you love for granted and to try to enjoy each moment and not worry so much about the future. I would also tell her to be thankful for her strong 21 year old body and lack of wrinkles 'cause that definitely doesn't last! :) Even knowing how everything turned out, I wouldn't change a thing. I am thankful that I married Paul, and I am thankful for my life as it is now. I really hope he feels the same way even though I know we both went through some very hard times. I think that we both grew a lot through our experiences together.


Robert said...

I love you Christina. I am thankful for the positive outlook that you have and the great example that you are. I think that many of us can share the same feelings of the experiences of the past. Even though each of our stories vary. Some of my own greatest trials have shaped me into who I am today and who I will become tomorrow. I hate to admit my weaknesses yet, if it where not for the trials, I would probably act as if I was still 21. I don't say that in any comparison. I definitely was not as mature as you at 21, lol.



10 more days to your 3x Birthday.

Lisa B Nell said...

I remember your 21 year old self... and I love her! I am so glad you wouldn't have her change anything cause I think you turned out just perfect!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

LOL I think that's great! If I were to be able to go back and talk to my 21 year old self first I'd give him some serious career advice and a good slap on the back of the head but then again maybe it didnt turn out all bad.