Friday, September 12, 2008

I'm back on the train!

School is back in which means crazy traffic. So, I'm back to riding the train. I love it! It's so much easier than fighting the traffic. I have a feeling that my love for the train might mellow with the cold weather. So I'm recording why I think it is so great now so I can remind myself in the winter. :)

1. I can read during my commute!
2. I know exactly when to expect to arrive instead of planning on one hour and having it take two for no apparent reason.
3. I feel so grown up getting on the commuter rail with all those business people. :)
4. I might actually drive a reasonable amount of miles per year, unlike the 20,000 I put on Phillipe in his first year.
5. I have no temptation to yell bad words at anyone on the train, unlike how I feel when I'm driving.
6. I can play Guitar Hero on my way to work! Possibly someday I will be able to beat Steve's nephew even!
7. My boss thinks its great that I am taking the train because I can work during my commute. I think its great that she thinks I would work and not read or play Guitar Hero. ;)
8. Many less trips to the gas station which means many less $70 charges on my credit card.
9. You can hear the best Boston accents on the T.

For some reason, more than any of the above reasons, I just enjoy being on the train. Maybe I inherited my dad's love of trains. Or maybe my mom had something to do with it to- I remember her coming back from a trip to CA when I was in high school and she had enjoyed riding the train around the city and I thought that was really cool. On my first visit to Boston I bought a 3-day pass and took the "T" all around Boston. I thought it was so amazing that you could easily go anywhere you wanted to go. Its crowded and noisy but for some reason its fun and its great for people watching. I take the commuter rail for most of the way which is more quiet and has better seats. Then in Boston I transfer to the Red Line on the T and take it for a few stops into Cambridge. On the way there is a great view of the city. I think my co-workers think I'm crazy for liking the train, but so far I really do!


Linda said...

Ive got to come out so you can take me on a tride with you. I think it sounds exiting. and how cute you did a toutisty thing when you first got there. I can just see you smiling the whole way.

Anonymous said...

I think you should forego the train and start using some form of horse-drawn transportation. We need a commuting renaisannce, why not start in boston since the roads are in the same condition they were back in the 1800s anyway. I'm gonna ride a donkey down 128 and then I will see one once I get to work as well, I'm lookin at you Toad.