Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How about this Diet Coke?

Ok, I wouldn't want to drink it either but it does crack me up! Especially since Diet Coke and bacon are two of my favorite things for breakfast. There's just nothing better than ice cold Diet Coke in the morning. Or any time of day. At least as far as drinks go. :) My most famous saying may be "Diet Coke with extra ice please." I realize that is kind of sad, maybe I should come up with something more inspirational. In the mean time, I'm off to get another Diet Coke!


Christie said...

Um, sitting here reading this, WITH A DIET COKE IN MY HAND.

But don't you think that McDonald's has the best DC? I think they must put something extra in it. There's no place as good as McD's.

Joy & Casey said...

I am a diet coke addict! Love it! Christie is maybe half the reason I have my problem-I just read her comment! :) Is that FOR REAL???? Who would want a bacon flavored diet coke????

Joy & Casey said...

I stole this image from your blog-
hope you don't mind. It cracked me up!
Have a great day!

The Hansen Clan said...

I just polished off 64 oz of bliss... I am so with you. I do like bacon but I prefer it to be crisp and separate from my "liquid heaven."

Anonymous said...

I thought your most famous quote was "It's hard to do the hard stuff"???

Terra said...

NASTY! I like DP anyway and can not figure out why they changed their cans AGAIN..I thought I bought the wrong thing this week.